Fertilization is one of the most expensive elements of agricultural technology. That is why experienced agronomists recommend optimizing the crop nutrition as best as we can. In the plant nutrition system, it is no longer possible to ignore microbiological preparations, which increase soil fertility through the rational use of their natural potential, namely activation of positive soil-biological processes, optimization of root nutrition from soil and mineral fertilizers, as well as the restoration of soil microflora. Moreover, biological plant protection products have proven their cost-effectiveness.
Microbiologists of the Ukrainian company BTU-CENTER have created a polynutrient soil biofertilizer named GROUNDFIX. This preparation mobilizes phosphorus and potassium from the insoluble soil compounds, fixes nitrogen and transfers it into a plant-accessible form, and increase the efficiency of mineral fertilizers. This is achieved through the activity of a complex of microorganisms that are parts of preparation formula, such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum, Azotobacter chorococcum, Enterobacter, and Paenibacillus polymyxa (total viable cells 0.5–1.5 x 109 CFU/cm3). Moreover, GROUNDFIX contains vitamins, phytohormones, amino acids and other physiologically active substances.
In 2019, a number of studies have been conducted to obtain objective data on the effectiveness of GROUNDFIX in combination with various mineral fertilizers. They were carried out at the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University on crops of sunflower, corn and soybean. The sowing of P 8409 corn hybrid (Brevant ™ seeds) was carried out on 24.05.2019, Madison soybean cultivar – on 29.04.2019, and NC Condi
sunflower hybrid – on 21.05.2019.
The diagram below shows how the GROUNDFIX PK-mobilizer improves plant nutrition and increases sunflower yield in all variants of fertilization.
—Full dose of mineral fertilizers (NPK 100%), which is N90P90K90,, in combination with GROUNDFIX in a dose of 3 and 5 l/ha increased the corn yield by 0.65-2.32 t/ha compared to the control (only mineral fertilizers).
— A reduced dose (by 30%) of mineral fertilizers (70% NPK) in combination with GROUNDFIX in a dose of 3 l/ha and 5 l/ha ensured yield increase by 1.23 and 1.45 t/ha, or by 10.6 and 12.5% compared to the control (100% NPK).
— The application of GROUNDFIX alone in a dose of 5 and 8 l/ha without any mineral fertilizers ensured a yield of 9.56 and 9.95 t/ha.
Thus, having analyzed the effect of mineral fertilizers on the corn yield, it was found that GROUNDFIX in a dose of 5 l/ha increased the efficiency of a full dose of mineral fertilizers by 20%. The results of 2019 confirm the similar data obtained in this institution in 2018 concerning the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in combination with GROUNDFIX PK-mobilizer.
After analyzing the data, we can see that the trend for an increase in soybean yields after the application of GROUNDFIX is similar to that for corn.
— The use of GROUNDFIX alone in a dose of 5 l/ha without any mineral fertilizers provided a soybean yield of 3.01 t/ha, and in a dose of 8 l/ha - 3.14 t/ha. In the variant where mineral fertilizers at the rate of N30P60K60 were applied without adding GROUNDFIX, the soybean yield was 3.24 t/ha. As we can see from study results, GROUNDFIX in a dose of 8 l/ha was almost as effective on soybean as a full dose of mineral fertilizers.
—The use of GROUNDFIX in a dose of 3 and 5 l/ha in combination with a full dose of mineral fertilizers increased crop yields by 0.41 and 0.68 t/ha, compared to mineral fertilizers that were applied alone.
- With a 30% reduction in fertilizers dose and the addition of GROUNDFIX in a dose of 3 and 5 l/ha, the crop yield was 0.21 and 0.5 t/ha.
After analyzing the increase in yield in the variant with the application of a full dose of mineral fertilizers in combination with GROUNDFIX bio-fertilizer in a dose of 5 l/ha, there was found an increase in the efficiency of fertilizers by 21% due to the application of bacterial preparation.
The effect of mineral fertilizers in combination with GROUNDFIX was also studied on sunflower crop. The results showed that GROUNDFIX increased sunflower yield in all variants of fertilization. The similar result was achieved for previous crops.
—In the variant where only mineral fertilizers were used, the sunflower yield was 3.87 t/ha, and where only GROUNDFIX was used in a dose of 8 l/ha - 3.85 t/ha. That is, in this case, GROUNDFIX in a dose of 8 l/ha can be considered as effective as mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60P60K60. It should be noted that such efficiency was achieved with a high level of soil fertility.
—The use of GROUNDFIX in a dose of 3 and 5 l/ha in combination with a full dose of mineral fertilizers contributed to an increase in yield by 0.46 and 0.54 t/ha compared to control, and in case of 30% dose reduction of mineral fertilizers - 0.22 and 0.29 t/ha respectively.
CONCLUSIONS. GROUNDFIX biofertilizer helps to increase nutrient availability from the soil. At the same time, the yield increase achieved after the application of GROUNDFIX alone on soy and sunflower is not significantly different from the yield increase achieved after the application of mineral fertilizers. The use of GROUNDFIX soil fertilizer at a rate of 5 l/ha increases the efficiency of mineral fertilizers by 21% for soybean, by 20% for corn and by 14% for sunflower. When using mineral fertilizers in a dose reduced by 30% in combination with biofertilizer, there is positive trend of yield increase in all variants of the experiment compared to the use of only a full dose of mineral fertilizers.
The effect of GROUNDFIX PK-mobilizer was also studied during on-the-farm researches, which were conducted on sunflower and corn crops.
— TAS-AGRO Holding, LLC «Agro-Bohuslavshchyna-Eco”, Kyiv region. GROUNDFIX in a dose of 5 l/ha was applied by the company at the time of preseeding cultivation of sunflower crop in 2018. As a result, an increase of 0, 61 t/ha was achieved, while the yield of the control variant was 3,66 t/ha.
— In 2018, on-the-farm researches of LLC AIC “Rozkishna”, Kirovograd region, also showed an increase in sunflower yields after the application of GROUNDFIX in a dose of 5 l/ha + Liposam in a dose of 0,5 l/ha. Yield increase was 0,45 t/ha, while the yield of the control variant was 2,65 t/ha.
— The same trend has been observed on the fields in Chernihiv region.
— GROUNDFIX in a dose of 5 l/ha increased sunflower yield by 0,5 t/ha, while the yield of the control variant was 4,3 t/ha.
On-the farm researches of GROUNDFIX soil fertilizer showed the same pattern of increase in corn yield as in sunflower crops.
— VitAgro Holding, PC «Agrarian Company 2004» got a yield increase of 0.31 t/ha after the application of GROUNDFIX in a dose of 5 l/ha, while the yield of the control variant was 11,52 t/ha.
CONCLUSIONS. Thus, on-the-farm researches confirm the scientific data on the positive effect of GROUNDFIX soil fertilizer on crop yields and the availability of nutrients to crops.
Thus, the application of GROUNDFIX in a dose of 3–5 l/ha is considered to be a resource-saving element of agrotechnology for the cultivation of sunflower and corn for seed. Its agronomic efficiency is reflected in the increase of crop yields, and its economic efficiency is reflected in reducing operational expenditures and increasing EBITDA per 1 ha.
А. Datsko, Master of Agriculture, Research Agronomist,
S. Havrilov, Master of Agriculture, Research Agronomist